Monday, 25 May 2009

Successful launch of Animals Count's manifesto

Unlike most political parties that launch their manifesto in boring conference halls, Animals Count demonstrated yet again to be different. We launched our manifesto outdoors, at the Kings Oak, High Beach, Loughton, Essex, on Sunday 24th May, where we were greeted by many dog owners who were keen to receive a free general veterinary check up of their dog.

Animals Count President and veterinarian, Andrew Knight provided free dog consultations. The response was very positive, with many people saying they would vote for us. One person even thought Andrew was an animal healer because one dog almost fell asleep during examination :) We were blessed with perfect weather and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

We are confident that we will receive many votes; not just because Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats are selfish, greedy and incompetent when it comes to the economy and running the country, but also because more and more people recognise that these parties will never make the required changes necessary to protect animals. Our manifesto contains the most comprehensive set of policies on animal issues of any party contesting the EU elections.

4th June EU elections. Bring 'em on!

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